Monday, March 28, 2016


"will you hurry it the fuck up and just BURY me, you retro-active MFer's!  Your sentimental asses should have taken pictures of me while I was ALIVE!  What's next, is Daddy gonna take my carcass on that merry-go-round ride he promised and never got around to?!?"

Back then, "families" would take pictures of their dead family member(s) I ASSUME before burial (unless they kept the bodies around) so they'd have a photo to remember them by.  AS IF!  You can tell who's dead and who's alive in these Victorian-era pictures: the people who turn out "blurry" in the photo are living, and the ones who turn out crystal clear are dead because they're perfectly still.  Or STIFF, I should say.

Maybe people like Leatherface aren't so weird after all.  Compared to THESE clowns.

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