Monday, March 3, 2014


I'd first owned the PC/CD-ROM version of "Q*Bert 2000" and the Playstation 1 version is totally identical to the PC-released disc, down to the artwork, instruction manual and all that.

There's one new game which consists of 4 or more 3-D pyramid challenges for the level.  In Classic Mode, you can play the original coin-op arcade port of Q*Bert from 1983 - "as is" (keeping all the original characters as they were) or their updated, new 3-D look, including Coily, Slick, Sam, Wrong-Way and Ugg.

Just a couple hours ago, played this for the first time since maybe 2001 LOL - a little in the pyramid missions and a little playing classic Q*Bert, with their "new" 2000 3-D incarnations.

That was an awesome-ass game intro!  All peaceful and quiet in Qube-Ville or wherevah, then all of a sudden the sky turns black and here comes old enemies Coily, Ugg, Wrong-Way, Slick and Sam - apparently invading the year 2000 from a time warp they found WAY way back in 1983!

Or something.

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