Monday, April 7, 2014


Last weekend was mostly rain and postponed my Houston road trip once again, but THIS weekend looks promising (and that's if I don't decide to have my spring yard/garage sale if others in the community are taking advantage of the alleged nice weather coming - a little cloudy but high of 80 and that's perfect).  Or I can do the yard sale Friday-early Saturday, leave around 2-3 and stay the night in Houston.

I'd never seen this documentary called Collectors before - about people who collect the artwork made by serial killers, like John Wayne Gacy's infamous clown and Seven Dwarves paintings that were sold years ago.  Elmer Wayne Henley ain't got nothing better to do with life in prison and had taken up painting as well.  If the sale of the artwork goes to victim's families, great.  Give Wayne enough to purchase painting supplies but definitely not the entire amount should be given to him.

What I found disrespectful is these two idiots filming, one leaving a flower at Dean Corll's grave, which I also plan to see while I'm in the Houston area.  But not to leave no fucking FLOWER!  My wild-ass imagination, I'm not standing over it, either - the MFer's hands might reach out of the ground and grab my ankle or something, fuck THAT!  You can't kill evil, IDGAF what anyone says!  And I'd say Dean Corll was/still is the most evil person in America.  

You're not supposed to WORSHIP Dean Corll - at most, say "Rest in Hell" to his grave and maybe spit on it and that's all he's worth.  Other than his case being used to prevent something like that from happening again - but it did - and when Gacy was arrested a few years after Corll was shot dead by Wayne Henley, he said he knew of the Corll case, and likely where he copied that "handcuff trick" from.