Hopefully Mr. Vargas, himself, will address me, so I can update everyone else waiting on his anticipated docu-drama of Dean Corll, Wayne Henley and David Brooks AKA the Houston Mass Murders of the early 70's.
The original photographs of Dean Corll especially the look in his eyes in the early 70's creeped me out. But the actor here (who I've signed up on his Facebook page) who's playing Dean Corll makes my skin crawl. Like the brief moment when the teen boy who's obviously wasted throws his head back in his chair, laughing. Dean Corll sitting beside him, eyes locked on him like a cat about to pounce on a bird. THAT was just creepy.
Next to The Clone Wars "Season 6" episodes, this is my #1 must-see of 2014. This is driving us true crime fanatics nuts, Mr. Vargas - just so you know! ;)
The original photographs of Dean Corll especially the look in his eyes in the early 70's creeped me out. But the actor here (who I've signed up on his Facebook page) who's playing Dean Corll makes my skin crawl. Like the brief moment when the teen boy who's obviously wasted throws his head back in his chair, laughing. Dean Corll sitting beside him, eyes locked on him like a cat about to pounce on a bird. THAT was just creepy.
Next to The Clone Wars "Season 6" episodes, this is my #1 must-see of 2014. This is driving us true crime fanatics nuts, Mr. Vargas - just so you know! ;)