Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Tomorrow (Thursday), Athena has an appointment with the vet to have a cyst on one of her hind legs removed - she should be back home later tomorrow.  Until the appointment, I have to keep the food put away at midnight (same rules as the Gremlins LOL) so Athena for once gets to do the damn fasting and not ME this time!

She's not acting like she's in pain or walking funny, but it's better to get that taken care of ASAP.  This is the second cyst she's had removed and she's 13, so it's not a surprise and actually not all that bad health problems at her age - other than that, always been healthy since I've gotten her at 5 weeks old in 2000.  It's after 12, food put away, so let the complaining and bugging me for food commence!  I might have to check out the freakshow at Wally World in the middle of the night to avoid all that for an hour!  Oh boy, I'd have to get high and bring my camera - it's even more fun that way at Wally World on Halloween night, trust!

Here's Athena's reaction to her first-ever listening of Yoko Ono's screeching and hollering.  From the expressions on her face, I could barely hold the camera straight and keep from laughing at her.

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