Never heard of Rahm Kota until this game, maybe he was created just for The Force Unleashed. Kota was a General in the Clone Wars and survived Order 66 because he had no Clones in his militia. Which is why Vader sends his secret apprentice, Starkiller, to hunt down the remaining living Jedi in the galaxy, starting with Kota.
So you're not bored, I just edited out the last couple minutes of the battle and following cutscene.
After that, you're sent to the Jedi Temple and eventually fight a Sith who resembles The Inquisitor, from the upcoming SW show Rebels. I've already been sent after the second Jedi and will record that too. The third to hunt down is Shaak Ti.
So you're not bored, I just edited out the last couple minutes of the battle and following cutscene.
After that, you're sent to the Jedi Temple and eventually fight a Sith who resembles The Inquisitor, from the upcoming SW show Rebels. I've already been sent after the second Jedi and will record that too. The third to hunt down is Shaak Ti.
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